Hunting in a forest, Prince Ivan finds an enchanted garden with a tree of Golden Apples. A Bird of Fire appears, and Ivan captures her. When he decides to free her, she rewards him with a magic feather to use in summoning her in times of danger.

A procession of lovely maidens enters the Garden, led by Tsarevna the Beautiful. They are all forbidden to leave the Garden by the evil and immortal sorcerer, Kostchei. Many noble men have tried to free the princesses, but Kostchei has turned them all into monsters. Ivan greets the maidens and immediately falls in love with Tsarevna.

Before Ivan and Tsarevna can attempt to escape, Kostchei appears with all his creatures. Ivan summons the Firebird, who defeats Kostchei with her stronger spell.

In the final scene, Ivan and Tsarevna are married, and all the princesses are reunited with their betrothed nobles, now released from Kostchei's spell.